Rhode Island and Cousin Time

We arrived in Providence, RI to spend time with my brother Jimmy and his wife Terry along with their daughter Jennifer and their grandchildren Connor (11), Casey (8) and Cameron (2). Samantha at 9 and Hailey at 6 fit great and before we knew it the three girls had bonded for life. They started out like friends who had been together since birth. They say that cousins are your first friends … while not the first for any of them I believe they will definitely remain life long friends as well as cousins. While we were in RI we spent lots of time at the playground (a slip by Mike playing with the kids may have caused a fracture in one of his dics – waiting to hear from the orthopedic specialist – but that didn’t slow him down much), a day at the beach (red tide was a problem and the kids first real get acquainted day. Prior to this they have spent maybe an hour or two on a visit so this trip was special. We also took a Newport Boat Tour of the Newport Mansions (gorgeous and historic) and a wonderful day to be out on the water. We also made an ice cream stop, the kids spent time in the pool at Jim and Terry’s and celebrated Cousins Day our last night in RI. While Mike and I were comfortable and happy the girls opted to spend every night with Casey at her house. It was so hard to say goodbye for all of us and especially for the three girls. Many thanks to Terry and Jim for the lunches and dinners and the great time we had with them and their hospitality.

Rhode Island – First Visit
Boston Aquarium Visit
New Hampshire Visit
The Flume and Miniature Golf
Rhode Island – Second Visit

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